Bussiliinid algusega Bristol sihtkohta Cardiff ja algusega Cardiff sihtkohta Bristol
alates 2,99 €Mugavused pardal
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Bussireisid ja keskkond
Buss peatub: Bristol
Bristol Bus Station (UK)
Bristol Bus Station
Marlborough Street
BS1 3NU Bristol
Marlborough Street
BS1 3NU Bristol
Vaata seda aadressi Google Mapsist
FlixBus services depart from Bay 8 within Bristol Marlborough Street Bus Station.
This stop is wheelchair accessible.
Bristol Uni of West England
Stoke Gifford
BS161ZL Bristol
BS161ZL Bristol
From 23.12.2022 this stop is moving north, to Coldharbour Lane. It will be on the northbound side of the road, by a hill, 3 minutes walk away.
Stop is located next to the UWE Frenchay Campus entrance, and 'UWE The Gardens' bus stop information stand
This stop is wheelchair accessible
This stop is no longer by the roundabout, and has moved north.
It is located on the northbound side of the road, with a hill beside it.
Highridge Common
West Town Lane Shop
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