Bussid alguse või lõpuga asukohas Wilmington-Newark, DE
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Viime Sind kohale mugavalt ja õigeaegselt: Meie bussid on täpsed.
Info praeguste liinide kohta
Reisi keskkonnasõbralikult
Meie kütusesäästlikud bussid on väikese süsinikujalajäljega sõidetud reisijakilomeetri kohta.
Bussireisid ja keskkond
Buss peatub: Wilmington-Newark, DE
Wilmington Bus Station
Newark (University of Delaware)
10 Mopar Drive
19713 Wilmington-Newark, DE
19713 Wilmington-Newark, DE
Vaata seda aadressi Google Mapsist
Please wait at the yellow curb along the “Bus Stop Zone” next to the train station.
Delaware Welcome Center (Southbound)
530 John F Kennedy Memorial Hwy
19702 Wilmington-Newark, DE
19702 Wilmington-Newark, DE
Vaata seda aadressi Google Mapsist
Take exit for Welcome Center from I-95/Delaware Turnpike between Exit 1 and Exit 3. FROM INSIDE WELCOME CENTER, exit building through side doors labeled “Southbound, Baltimore,” between the restrooms and Pret a Manger. Turn left and walk towards the bus parking area. Bus will board from here.
Delaware Welcome Center (Northbound)
530 John F Kennedy Memorial Hwy
19702 Wilmington-Newark, DE
19702 Wilmington-Newark, DE
Vaata seda aadressi Google Mapsist
Take exit for Welcome Center from I-95/Delaware Turnpike between Exit 1 and Exit 3. FROM INSIDE DELAWARE WELCOME CENTER, exit building through side doors labeled “Northbound,” between Starbucks and Auntie Anne’s. Turn right on sidewalk and walk towards the bus parking area. Bus will board here.
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