Bussid alguse või lõpuga asukohas Salt Lake City, UT
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Bussireisid ja keskkond
Buss peatub: Salt Lake City, UT
Salt Lake City Intermodal Trans Ctr
300 S 600 W
84101 Salt Lake City, UT
84101 Salt Lake City, UT
Vaata seda aadressi Google Mapsist
Bus will board directly in front of the Salt Lake City Intermodal Hub, at the “Bus Stop” no parking sign along the yellow curb.
Salt Lake City Intl Airport
3920 W Terminal Dr
84122 Salt Lake City, UT
84122 Salt Lake City, UT
Vaata seda aadressi Google Mapsist
Bus will board on the ground level outside of door L2. Bus will be located in the second lane between pillars 2B and 3B. Passengers entering the airport by car should use the "arrivals lane" and walk to the designated pickup location.
Salt Lake City Downtown
60 N Temple
84150 Salt Lake City, UT
84150 Salt Lake City, UT
Vaata seda aadressi Google Mapsist
Bus will board at 60 N Temple at the west wide of the Conference Center for the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints (northeast corner of the intersection). /// Google Maps: https://goo.gl/maps/KYmKSQZSTs4X7LQP9 /// Coordinates: 40.772440, -111.893757
Salt Lake City(Shop)
Otseühendusega linnad
47 |
Bussipeatuste arv
4 |
Pardateenused sõltuvad saadavusest