Bussid alguse või lõpuga asukohas Grand Rapids, MI
Mugavused pardal
Meie bussid on varustatud suurte ja mugavate istmete, tualettide, Wi-Fi ja toitepistikutega.
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Jõua õigeaegselt kohale
Viime Sind kohale mugavalt ja õigeaegselt: Meie bussid on täpsed.
Info praeguste liinide kohta
Reisi keskkonnasõbralikult
Meie kütusesäästlikud bussid on väikese süsinikujalajäljega sõidetud reisijakilomeetri kohta.
Bussireisid ja keskkond
Buss peatub: Grand Rapids, MI
Grand Rapids (Downtown)
410 Pearl St NW
49504 Grand Rapids, MI
49504 Grand Rapids, MI
Vaata seda aadressi Google Mapsist
Please board your bus from the sidewalk next to the Burger King parking lot along Mount Vernon Avenue NW between the stand-alone Burger King sign and the parking lot driveway.
Grand Rapids (Woodland Mall)
3195 28th ST SE
49512 Grand Rapids, MI
49512 Grand Rapids, MI
Bus will stop at the first parking lot on the north side of the ring road near the Von Maur. The bus does not pickup near the Kohl's. There is NO overnight parking allowed. Vehicles may be towed at owner's expense.
Bus will stop at the corner parking lot on Woodland Dr SE near Von Maur. The bus does not pickup near the Kohl's. There is NO overnight parking allowed. Vehicles may be towed at owner's expense.
Otseühendusega linnad
7 |
Bussipeatuste arv
2 |
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