Bussid alguse või lõpuga asukohas Barstow, CA
Mugavused pardal
Meie bussid on varustatud suurte ja mugavate istmete, tualettide, Wi-Fi ja toitepistikutega.
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Reisi keskkonnasõbralikult
Meie kütusesäästlikud bussid on väikese süsinikujalajäljega sõidetud reisijakilomeetri kohta.
Bussireisid ja keskkond
Buss peatub: Barstow, CA
Barstow Station
1611 E Main St
92311 Barstow, CA
92311 Barstow, CA
Vaata seda aadressi Google Mapsist
Bus will board at the Barstow Travel Center. Please proceed to the bus parking behind the station along the tracks.
If you don't see a green FlixBus close to your departure time, the bus may be white and have other branding. Check in with drivers of other buses in the area.
Barstow (N 1st Ave)
685 N 1st Ave
92311 Barstow, CA
92311 Barstow, CA
Vaata seda aadressi Google Mapsist
Bus will board in parking lot area. This is not a FlixBus branded trip. FlixBus is only the ticket reseller for Alvand. The vehicle is white and will have other branding. Ticket includes 1 hand bag and 1 hold luggage. Each additional luggage can be purchased at the bus for $10 in cash.
Otseühendusega linnad
16 |
Bussipeatuste arv
2 |
Vaata rohkem sihtkohti
- Los Angeles, CA
- Las Vegas, NV
- Orange County-Anaheim-Santa Ana, CA
- San Bernardino, CA
- Bakersfield, CA
- Santa Barbara, CA
- Victorville, CA
- Long Beach, CA
- Ontario / Montclair / Claremont, CA
- Oxnard-Ventura, CA
- El Monte-Baldwin Park, CA
- North Hollywood, CA
- Tehachapi, CA
- Mojave, CA
- Santa Paula, CA
- Fillmore, CA
- New York, NY
- Atlanta, GA
- Washington, D.C.
- Houston, TX
Pardateenused sõltuvad saadavusest